[2024-2] 2/12(수), Sustainable Development Solutions Require an Understanding of Past Programs’ Impacts and Mechanisms, 정수현 조교수 (Oregon state university)
가. 일시 : 2월 12일(수) 오후 12시 ~ 1시
나. 장소 : 미래관 906호 세미나실
다. 연사 : 정수현 교수 ( Oregon state university )
라. 제목 : Sustainable Development Solutions Require an Understanding of Past Programs’ Impacts and Mechanisms
마. ABSTRACT: Limiting access to agricultural lands and forests could undermine rural households’ livelihoods and change their labor allocation. We estimate the effects of one such limitation—the transfer of land-use rights to private companies for commercial agricultural production—on local resource availability, labor allocation, and food security. Our empirical estimations using over 1,200 household surveys conducted in Liberia show evidence of a decrease in access to agricultural land (1.7–1.8 hectares) and the quality of community forests due to such land deals, which led to greater food insecurity. To cope with such shocks, affected households worked one hour per week more in the forestry sector compared with those unaffected by the land deals, diversifying income sources; a subset of those households that had a decrease in cultivation area and did not have income from forest products increased the number of out-migrants by 0.5 members/household as a coping strategy.