[2023-2] 10/19(목) , Prosocial Vaccination, 김준형 교수(카이스트대학 인문사회과학부)
가 . 일시 : 10 월 19 일 ( 목 ) 12 시 ~13 시
나 . 장소 : 미래관 906 호 세미나실
다 . 연사 : 김준형 교수님 (카이스트대학교 인문사회과학부)
라 . 제목 : Prosocial Vaccination
마. 초록 : We study the prosocial motives behind vaccination intentions. We conduct a field experiment that uses gain-loss framing to deliver information about how vaccination can impact public welfare by reducing the spread of COVID-19. The information treatment raises vaccination intentions regardless of framing, baseline characteristics, and trust in institutions. Moreover, the messages focused on the “loss” of infecting others when not vaccinated are significantly more effective than those focused on the “gain” of not infecting others when vaccinated. Follow-up survey 18 months after the baseline focusing on government vaccine certificates show that the treatment promoted vaccination if the message was interpreted as intended, but not if the respondents experienced negative social pressure or had low confidence in vaccines. We explain our findings in a theoretical model and calibrate the prosocial loss aversion parameter to be within range of private loss aversion parameter estimates in the literature.
바. 저자 : Bahktawar Ali, Syngjoo Choi, Jun Hyung Kim, Avner Seror