[2023-2] 10/5(목) , 홍혜영 박사(서울대학교 BK21사업단 연구원)
가. 일시 : 10월 5일(목) 12시~13시
나. 장소 : 미래관 906호 세미나실
다. 연사 : 홍혜영 박사(서울대학교 BK21사업단 연구원)
라. 제목 : Extensive Margin Responses to Discontinuity in Out-of-Pocket Cost for the Elderly in South Korea
마. 저자 : 홍혜영
바. 초록
This paper examines the effect of a change in out-of-pocket costs on clinic visits among the elderly in South Korea. By exploiting variation in the timing of the change in the cost-sharing system based on the date of birth, this study estimates average treatment effects in a difference-in-differences setting with staggered adoption. The results show that patients reduce their clinic visits starting nine days before their 65th birthday, with a 5% decrease on the day before their birthday and a sharp 16.5% increase on the day after. Lower-income groups and dependents are more responsive to the change than higher-income groups and employed individuals. Patients with circulatory system and metabolic diseases are more responsive to the change, and follow-up visits contribute more to the overall change than initial visits. Despite the increase in clinic visits, patients’ total out-of-pocket spending decreases, while the insurer bears a greater cost due to changes in patients’ behavior