세미나 및 학술 소식

[2024-2] 11/21(목) , Auction design with ambiguity:Optimality of the first-price and all-pay auctions, 황성하(KAIST)

가. 일시 : 11월 21일(목) 

나. 장소 : 미래관 906호 세미나실

다. 연사 :  황성하 교수   ( KAIST )

라. 제목 :  Auction design with ambiguity:Optimality of the first-price and all-pay auctions


We study the optimal auction design problem when bidders’ preferences ollow the maxmin expected utility model. We suppose that the bidders’ set of priors consists of beliefs “close” to the seller’s belief, where ”closeness” is defined by a divergence. For a given allocation rule, we identify a class of opti-mal transfer candidates, named the win-lose dependent transfers, with the follow-ing property: each type of bidder’s transfer conditional on winning or losing is independent of the competitor’s type report. Our result reduces the infinite-dimensional optimal transfer problem into a two-dimensional optimization prob-lem. By solving the reduced problem, we find that: (i) among efficient mecha-nisms with no premiums for losers, the first-price auction is optimal; and, (ii)among efficient winner-favored mechanisms (where each bidder pays smaller amounts when she wins than loses), the all-pay auction is optimal. Under a simplifying assumption, these two auctions remain optimal under the endoge-nous allocation rule.