[2024-2] 10/10(목) , Intergenerational Democracy for Sustainable Resource Allocation: Experimental Studies, 유정숙 (California State University, East Bay)
가. 일시 : 10월 10일(목) 오후 12시 ~ 1시
나. 장소 : 미래관 906호 세미나실
다. 연사 : 유정숙 교수 ( California State University, East Bay )
라. 제목 및 초록 :
① Intergenerational Democracy for Sustainable Resource Allocation: Experimental Studies
ABSTRACT: This paper explores how institutional rules and demographic makeup influence individuals’ resource conservation decisions to ensure the sustainability of resources for future generations. Given that many natural resources are on the brink of extinction, understanding how to encourage sustainable practices is more critical than ever. By extending the intergenerational good game (IGG) framework to two-period games, this study employs experiments to simulate the dynamics of cooperation among overlapping generations.
② Sharing Profit by Ranking Partners
ABSTRACT: We address the challenge of distributing a fixed monetary prize among agents based on their reported rankings of others’ contributions. Given the difficulty in precisely quantifying contributions in cardinal terms, we adopt a worst-case analysis approach, using ordinal rankings instead. Our focus is on developing optimal sharing rules that minimize the maximum absolute deviation from the true cardinal contributions, considering different numbers of agents and their ordinal rankings. We demonstrate that unanimity rules represent the optimal allocation strategies and also introduce optimal scoring rules that ensure budget balance.