[2024-2] 12/12(목), Strategic Network Decisions and Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from R&D Collaborations of U.S., 이기쁨(조세재정연구원)
가. 일시 : 12월 12일(화)
나. 장소 : 미래관 906호 세미나실
다. 연사 : 이기쁨 ( 조세재정연구원 )
라. 제 목 : Strategic Network Decisions and Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from R&D Collaborations of U.S.
마. ABSTRACT: This paper examines the effect of private R&D investment on productivity, considering R&D collaborations and knowledge spillovers. While existing literature emphasizes R&D’s direct effects on innovation and cost reduction, it often neglects R&D’s role in shaping collaborative networks. Investing in R&D enhances a firm’s learning capacity and augments the firm’s appeal as a collaboration partner. Consequently, the effect of R&D is underestimated without accounting for its role in fostering collaborations. To bridge the gap, I develop a dynamic model of a firm that internalizes its decision on whom to collaborate with and following spillovers. This framework allows R&D to improve productivity and affect the collaboration network, with varying propensities for collaborations across firms. Using the data on firm-to-firm R&D collaborations among U.S. firms from 1980 to 2001, I find the long-term effect of R&D is 16% underestimated if we ignore its subsidiary role in expanding the collaboration network.