[2024-2] 12/5(목) , Self-Preferencing and Platform Competition, 지창구(연세대학교 경제학과)
가. 일시 : 12월 5일(목)
나. 장소 : 미래관 906호 세미나실
다. 연사 : 지창구 교수 ( 연세대 경제학과 )
라. 제목 : Self-Preferencing and Platform Competition
마. 초록:
This paper analyzes vertically integrated platforms’ incentives to engage in self-preferencing that favors their own products over independent third-party sellers’. We show that commission fees and self-preferencing are substitute instruments that give own products strategic advantage but they operate in different ways. This implies that regulating only one instrument in isolation may lead to unintended consequences. We derive the optimal mix of the commission fee and the degree of self-preference. After analyzing the monopolistic platform, we analyze how platform competition shapes the incentives for self-preferenicng in the novel framework of the hierarchical Hotelling model.