세미나 및 학술 소식

[2023-1] 4/20(목) Flip-flopping and Valence in Two-Candidate Competition 조석주교수 (경희대)

[2023학년도 1학기]

경제학부 특강(세미나) 3차

– 일시 : 4월 20일(목) 12시~13시

– 장소 : 미래관 906호

– 주제 : Flip-flopping and Valence in Two-Candidate Competition

– 연사 : 경희대학교 조석주 교수님

– 논문 정보

Title : Flip-flopping and Valence in Two-Candidate Competition

Authors : Seok-ju Cho and Jooyong Jun

Abstract :

We develop a game-theoretic model of two-candidate elections in which voters care about consistency of candidates’ issue positions as well as their valence characteristics unrelated to policy positions. We prove that, if the candidates maximize their vote shares, then there exists a unique pure strategy equilibrium when the valence difference between the two candidates is small enough, or their previous positions are sufficiently apart from each other, or voters care about consistency of politicians with strong enough intensity. In the equilibrium, the advantaged candidate in terms of valence chooses a more centrist platform than the disadvantaged candidate. Moreover, the former flip-flops more drastically than the latter.