About Us

Greetings, History, Contact & Directions

About Us

Welcome to the School of Economics at the University of Seoul.

Our school is one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing institutions in the country. We have established ourselves as a leading economics department, recognized for excellence in education, research, and community engagement. This success is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our faculty—both past and present—our alumni, and the passion of our undergraduate and graduate students.

Founded in 1980, the School of Economics at the University of Seoul was created to address the growing demand for skilled professionals capable of contributing to the nation’s economic development. In 1984, we introduced our master’s program, followed by the launch of our doctoral program in 1987. The merger with the Department of Trade in 1995 further expanded our academic offerings. In 2010, we transitioned from the College of Business and Economics to the College of Political Science and Economics, a structure we continue to maintain today.

Today, our school comprises of 18 professors, 2 staff members, over 600 undergraduate students majoring in economics, approximately 400 double-major undergraduate students, and more than 20 graduate students. We are proud to offer outstanding research opportunities and educational programs that prepare our graduates for successful careers across diverse fields. Our alumni have made significant contributions in public organizations, private companies, prestigious domestic and international universities, central and local governments, and professional roles such as lawyers, certified public accountants (CPAs), and tax accountants.

We are deeply committed to continuous improvement and aspire to become the leading economics school in the nation. To achieve this vision, we will continue enhancing our educational programs, recruiting exceptional faculty members, supporting innovative research initiatives, and fostering a vibrant academic community through student activities. Your support and encouragement are invaluable as we strive toward these goals.

Thank you for your interest in the School of Economics at the University of Seoul.

Head of the School of Economics

Seungmoon Choi


  • 1978. 10.

    Established the Department of Trade (Evening Program)

  • 1979. 09.

    Increased enrollment for the Department of Trade (Evening Program) by 10 students

  • 1980. 10.

    Established the Department of Economics and the Department of Trade (Day Program)

  • 1981. 09.

    Transitioned to the School of Economics and Business and increased enrollment by 35 students

  • 1984. 11.

    Introduced the M.A. program in the Graduate School (Department of Economics, Department of Trade)

  • 1986. 11.

    Transitioned from the School of Economics and Business to the College of Economics and Business

  • 1987. 11.

    Introduced the Ph.D. program in the Graduate School (Department of Economics)

  • 1989. 11.

    Introduced the M.A. program in the Graduate School of Business (Department of Trade)

  • 1993. 09.

    Increased enrollment for the Department of Trade (Evening Program) by 20 students

  • 1995. 10.

    Merged the Department of Economics and the Department of Trade into the School of Economics (90 students)

  • 2000. 03.

    Abolished the evening program

  • 2006. 03.

    Merged graduate programs: Department of Economics and Department of Trade → Department of Economics

  • 2006. 06.

    Selected for the 2nd phase of the Brain Korea 21(BK21) (Applied Microeconomics Team)

  • 2009. 02.

    Received the highest recognition in the 2008 academic field evaluation

  • 2010. 03.

    Transitioned from the College of Economics and Business to the College of Political Science and Economics

Contact & Directions


Mirae Hall 504,
163 Seoulsiripdaero,
Seoul 02504, Korea

School Office:
(+82) 02-6490-2053

Academic Affairs (Seong Ho Kim):
(+82) 2-6490-2051

Faculty Support (Jiyoun Yu):
(+82) 2-6490-2052

Fax: (+82) 2-6490-2054

School Office:

Seong Ho Kim:

Jiyoun Yu:

Office Hours

09:00 ~ 18:00

Lunch Break: 12:00 ~ 13:00