Ph.D., Economics, Michigan State University, 2006.
경제학사, 서울대학교, 1991.
주요 경력
2008~현재서울시립대 경제학부, 조교수/부교수/교수
1991~2008한국은행조사국, 금융경제연구원, 차장
대표 논문
Firm-level Inventory Dynamics in Korea: A Production-Augmented (S, s) Inventory Model (with Sangwon Suh and Byungjae Choi), Asian Economic Journal, 32(4), 2018, pp.417-449.
Host Country’s Strategic Policies and Multinational Firm’s Choice of Entry Mode, Economic Modelling, 29(2), 2012, pp.435-443.
Local Content Requirement under Vertical Technology Diffusion (with Chulwoo Kwon), Review of Development Economics, 13(1), 2009, pp.111-124.
Firm’s Choice of Ownership Structure: An Empirical Test with Korean Multinationals, Japan and the World Economy, 21(1), 2009, pp.26-38.
Host Country’s Intellectual Property Rights and Firm’s Equity Participation, Review of Industrial Organization, 33(4), 2008, pp.341-356.