Regulation and Service Exports: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses (With Gil Seong Kang), Korean Economic Review, 32(2), 2016, pp.205-213.
"Exchange Rate Changes and Income Distribution," Korean Economic Review, 24(1), 2008, pp.205-213.
Panel Causality Analysis on FDI – Exports - Economic Growth Nexus in First and Second Generation ANIEs (With Frank S.T. Hsiao), The Journal of the Korean Economy, 9(2), Aug. 2008, pp.138-147.
Devaluation and Investment in an Optimizing Model of the Small Open Economy (With Edward F. Buffie), European Economic Review, 45(8), 2001, pp.205-213.
저서 및 역서
『글로벌 시대의 국제금융론』 (공저: 국제금융연구회), 제6판, 도서출판 시대가치, 2022.