COVID-19 and Changes in Content Usage Behavior: The Case of South Korea (with Minchang Kim), Telecommunications Policy, 47(1), 2023, pp.1-14.
Entry and Exit of Small Self-employed Businesses in Korea’s Service Industries (with Jaekyung Kim), Small Business Economics, 54(1), 2020, pp.303-322.
Declining First-mover Advantage in Mobile Telecommunications Markets, The Service Industries Journal, 34(2), 2014, pp.89-102.
Mergers, Capital Gains, and Productivity: Evidence from U.S. Telecommunications Mergers (with Michael Gort), Contemporary Economic Policy, 24(3), 2006, pp.382-394.
Economies of Scale and Natural Monopoly in the U.S. Local Telephone Industry (with Michael Gort), Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(4), 2000, pp.694-697.
저서 및 역서
Global Economy and Digital Society (with Erik Bohlin, Stanford Levin, and Chang-Ho Yoon), Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd., 2004.